
Football was the first sport that I play and it still is the only sport that I play until today. I started kicking a ball when I was around 6-7 years old and began watching too about the same time. Later, I started playing competitively and my first tournament was at my elementary school. I continued playing for my school teams and in 2016, I won my first major competition. We went onto win a few more after. Ever after coming to Canada, I still play football every week, just to keep myself fit and keep up with my skills.


I actually had no interst in cooking at all until I became a teenager. No doubt my mom is a great cook, but it became clear that I wanted to try my own food and I started cooking. Looking at my mom cook would be one way of how I cook, but if I cook a dish for the first time, usually it's just the internet recipe that I follow. I really love Burmese food, so I cook them quite often, especially Shan Noodles, but I also like Thai and Japanese in particular. Okoyadon is my go to Japanese dish and I have to say I like my own dish HAHA!

Fantasy Premier League

I am really obsessed with this game. I would not call this a game, but rather an app that tests how good your analytical skills are in football. I am so obsessed that I wrote an app that will help me play this. I have a few friends that play this seriously, so it makes me take this even more seriously. It's always an incentive when you are going to the UK if you win although it's really hard when there are 7-8 million players playing. Finishing in the Top 100 in my country has been my best achievement so far, and I am on course to repeat it this year.


Playing too much flight simulators when I was young probably hooked me up with aviation. It reached to a point where I wanted to become a pilot, but I guess my computer eyes will not allow me to become one. I always find flying planes fascinating. It is quite interesting to learn about aviation, especially planes crashes. I like watching those documentaries that investigate crashes, and they always teach me something about aviation. I really hope to get into a cockpit and explore it the whole day.